Joint Training

Line The world changes every day. Your meeting room too. With tilting tables, the JOINT training line means agility, flexibility and high capacity of adaptation. The tables have casters and are ideal for offices that need to improve the space with multifunctional rooms. Composed of: Tilting tables. Ideal for: Training rooms Class room and meeting […]


Line The furniture from build adds sobriety and refinement to your space, with functionality and excellence in design. They are perfect for corporate enviroment that require discretion and elegance. In adition, offers versatility and durability, making then ideal to atend the daily demands in a professional work enviroment. Composed of: Composite metalic estructures, cabinets of […]


Line Versatile and practical, the Operative line is perfect for spaces with proactive people, who require operability and speed. With design thought to facilitate your day by day, they are furniture that carry with them the essence of agility combined with the refinement attributed by its modern forms. Composed of: Chairs that follow ergonomic standards […]

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